Robert Augustus Masters is an Integral Psychotherapist and group leader. Integral means that he is working with mind, body, emotions and conditioning in a flowing and organic way.

Robert works with guys who have the balls to make the changes to make their lives better. His work focuses primarily on the body, as men tend to get “stuck in their heads” and cut off from their feelings. Some women can feel this and may experience the man to be less trust-able and less desirable because of it.

The “Friend Zone” is the place men go when they are not in touch with our true power. Masters clarifies that power does not mean overpowering and that there is a real difference between anger and aggression. When men get in touch with the power from their core, they are more authentic, trust-able and attractive to women.

Robert insists that vulnerability is not weakness but, in fact, authenticity. If we can learn to be vulnerable without crumbling, we can be more in touch with our lives and other people.

Click here to learn more about The Anatomy and Evolution of Anger by Robert Augustus Masters.

About Robert Augustus Masters

g-robert-augustus-masters-SMMy passion is to fuel, illuminate, and support the living of a deeper life, a life of love, integrity, and fully alive awakening. Providing environments (both inner and outer) in which deep healing and transformation can take place is my vocation and privilege.

Having just reached my 60th birthday, I notice that I am finding freedom more through intimacy — intimacy not only with my beloved Diane, but also with all that is — than through transcendence. There is a deeply satisfying joy for me in passing on what I have learned, especially through my integral psychotherapy apprenticeship programs and the couples intensives that I do with Diane.

Since 1977 I’ve worked as a psychotherapist (I have a Ph.D. in Psychology), group leader, bodyworker, and teacher of spiritual deepening practices, integrating the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual in my practice. Most weekends these days I’m leading groups or trainings.

Evolving in fitting parallel with this has been my writing, which is as much a passion for me as facilitating deep groupwork. I’ve authored eight books, including Divine Dynamite, Darkness Shining Wild, and, most recently, Transformation Through Intimacy. My essays have appeared in magazines ranging from Magical Blend to the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, as well as in several anthologies. And running rampant through all my writing is my poetry, keeping my prose on its toes.

Click here to learn more about The Anatomy and Evolution of Anger by Robert Augustus Masters.