Have you ever thrown up on your way to work, and not from too much fun the night before?

If you had all the money and all the time in the world what would you do?

Brian Johnson has found his answer, but things didn’t always come together so clearly for him.

Over the years he has quit a promising job with a fortune 500, dropped out of law school, left a 5 year relationship, and walked away from a couple of businesses.

From these experiences he has learned a bit about the art of living, now he is sharing what he loves to do with the world.

Listen as Brian talks to us about how he went form literally puking in his car on the way to work, to living his dreams from an open-air office in Bali.

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About Brian Johnson, Philosopher, Entrepreneur, Creator of Philosopher Notes

g-brian-johnson-2373-SMI’ve always been passionate about understanding what makes great people great and applying the truths they embodied to make my little dent in the universe.

After selling my last business (Zaadz) and traveling for a bit, I decided to give myself a Ph.D. in Optimal Living with a Specialization in Greatness and Bliss.

Figured I’d get a Master’s when I’d distilled 100 of my favorite books into concise, fun, inspiring summaries. Then, on a flight from Tokyo to LA, I had one of those “Aha!/hallelujah!!” moments when I opened the SkyMall to an ad for a company that summarized business books for “busy executives.” I decided someone should do summaries of self-development books for the “busy self-actualizer” and that that someone should be me. ☺

Enter: PhilosophersNotes. (Imagine CliffsNotes. Only shorter. And cooler. And a *lot* more inspiring. ☺)

I’m currently on sabbatical in Bali working my way through two suitcases of books while I re-wire my consciousness, create the first 100 PhilosophersNotes and teach a Philosophy class at the local yoga studio.

Pinch me. I heart my job.

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