On the topic of orgasms, Tripp was recently interviewed as a “sex-pert” on the very popular show Everything is Energy. Along with Sera Beak, Ray Brejcha and Celeste Hirschman, New Man host Tripp Lanier explores why so many guys who focus primarily on the orgasm — whether it’s their partner’s or their own — end up being lousy in the sack.

Crazy, huh?

Click here to listen now.

Questions also covered:

  • Is sexiness what you do or how you are?
  • What makes someone truly sexy?
  • Is it more important to have a bag of tricks or to cultivate what you want?
  • What are some practical tips for guys who want to be better in bed?
  • How is it possible that a guy with good “skills” is still a crappy lover?

Click here to listen now.